Now, we will test a validator that we created earlier with the Plutus emulator. We will use the GuessingGame.hs validator to define two emulator traces, one for a valid script spend and one for an invalid script spend. We will edit the GuessingGame.hs file directly, adding the new tracing functions. As part of this exercise, we will also learn about the Contract monad, which we will use to create and submit transactions in the emulation.
Writing the emulator trace
Since EmulatorTrace is a monad, we will use do-notation to define its actions. In general, what we want to do is have a contract function that describes the sequence of transactions that will be generated and submitted. We then call the activateContractWallet function with a wallet (we can use knownWallet 1 - corresponding to the first of the 10 default wallets in the emulator) and the contract:
To run a meaningful EmulatorTrace, we have to define a contract that can be used for emulation. The contract type is Contract w s e a:
w is the state type of the contract. The state can be updated from inside the contract and is generally used for communication between contract instances. It should not be confused with general logging which is always available through the Contract.logInfo function.
s stands for schema, a list of endpoints available to the contract
e is the type of error that will be generated if an exception is thrown
a is the type of the final value the contract produces if no exception is thrown
For simple examples, such as ours, we do not need to use a contract state, an endpoint schema, or produce a final value. Therefore, a simple type signature for our contract for the GuessingGame validator will be:
contract :: Contract () Empty Text ()
Empty for s means no endpoints are available, and we just use Text to log error messages. Since Contract is a monad, we can use do-notation again. We can start off with some logging:
contract :: Contract () Empty Text ()
contract = do
now <- currentNodeClientTimeRange
Contract.logInfo @String $ "Logging from inside the contract, contract time is: " ++ show now
Contract.logInfo @String $ "First transaction: send funds to script and set a datum to be guessed"
The @String syntax requires the TypeApplications GHC extension to be activated.
Okay, now we need to create the first transaction. This is done by using the Ledger.Tx.Constraints module.
plutus-ledger-constraints was replaced with plutus-tx-constraints.
Since we are using an older commit, we still use the old import:
import Ledger.Constraints as Constraints
We define the constraints of the transaction, i.e. what we want it to do, and the contract constructs a valid transaction based on its constraints. We want the first transaction to send some ADA to the script address along with a datum that will need to be guessed to spend it later, so we use the mustPayToOtherScriptWithDatumInTx function. After we submit the transaction we use awaitTxConfirmed to make sure the transaction is accounted for on the emulated chain.
Next, we want to try to spend the newly generated script UTxO by matching the datum with the redeemer. This is a bit more tricky because we have to tell the contract where to find the UTxO via lookups. In this case, we are spending a script output, so the lookup must know the validator behind the script address (as we have seen before with cardano-cli, to construct a valid transaction spending the script output, we must supply the validator). To make it a bit clearer, we will add a logging line to inspect the utxos and lookups in the contract and inspect it later.
First, we have to get the UTxO(s) at the script address with utxosAt scriptAddress. We create two helper functions for referencing the script address and the validator hash:
Note that this will get all the UTxOs and for simplicity (since we know there will always be only one), we can take just one with the head function. The lookups we need for this transaction are the validator itself, which we define with Constraints.plutusV2OtherScript and the UTxO(s) that are sitting at the script address that we can get with Constraints.unspentOutputs. We join these two monoidal values together with <> (mappend):
Contract.logInfo @String $ "Second transaction: spend script output with the right redeemer"
utxos <- utxosAt scriptAddress
let oref = head (fst <$> Map.toList utxos)
lookups =
Constraints.plutusV2OtherScript validator
<> Constraints.unspentOutputs utxos
Now, we just need to construct the transaction with the correct redeemer that matches the datum (in our case just the unitRedeemer). We use the Constraints.mustSpendScriptOutput function and specify the output reference that we defined oref along with the unitRedeemer. We also must include the unitDatum in the transaction via Constraints.mustIncludeDatumInTx:
The final part is simply submitting the transaction with our given constraints. We use submitTxConstraintsWith and awaitTxConfirmed. Before we do, we can log the oref and lookups as mentioned before:
There are a lot of different imports that we need to take care of for all of the above code to work, so below is a full reference of the imports. We have to import some extra modules from the standard Prelude, most importantly Semigroup as there seems to be some issue when using the emulator with the PlutuxTx version of Semigroup. We also need to hide the module from the PlutusTx.Prelude.
import PlutusTx.Prelude hiding (Semigroup (..))
import Prelude (IO, String, show, Semigroup (..))
import qualified Plutus.Script.Utils.V2.Scripts as PSU.V2
import Ledger
import Ledger.Ada as Ada
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Functor (void)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Void (Void)
import Wallet.Emulator.Wallet (knownWallet)
import Plutus.Contract as Contract
import Ledger.Constraints as Constraints
import Plutus.Trace.Emulator as Emulator
( EmulatorTrace,
The entire emulator code all together looks like this:
scriptAddress :: Ledger.Address
scriptAddress = Ledger.scriptHashAddress valHash
valHash :: PSU.V2.ValidatorHash
valHash = PSU.V2.validatorHash validator
contract :: Contract () Empty Text ()
contract = do
now <- currentNodeClientTimeRange
Contract.logInfo @String $ "Logging from inside the contract, contract time is: " ++ show now
Contract.logInfo @String $ "First transaction: send funds to script and set a datum to be guessed"
let tx1 = Constraints.mustPayToOtherScriptWithDatumInTx valHash unitDatum $ Ada.lovelaceValueOf 25000000
ledgerTx1 <- submitTx tx1
awaitTxConfirmed $ getCardanoTxId ledgerTx1
Contract.logInfo @String $ "tx1 successfully submitted"
Contract.logInfo @String $ "Second transaction: spend script output with the right redeemer"
utxos <- utxosAt scriptAddress
let oref = head (fst <$> Map.toList utxos)
lookups =
Constraints.plutusV2OtherScript validator
<> Constraints.unspentOutputs utxos
tx2 =
Constraints.mustSpendScriptOutput oref unitRedeemer
<> Constraints.mustIncludeDatumInTx unitDatum
Contract.logInfo @String $ "Oref: " ++ show oref ++ ", Lookups: " ++ show lookups
ledgerTx2 <- submitTxConstraintsWith @Void lookups tx2
Contract.logInfo @String $ "waiting for tx2 confirmed..."
awaitTxConfirmed $ getCardanoTxId ledgerTx2
Contract.logInfo @String $ "tx2 successfully submitted"
emulatorTrace :: EmulatorTrace ()
emulatorTrace = do
void $ activateContractWallet (knownWallet 1) contract
void $ Emulator.waitNSlots 2
runTrace :: IO ()
runTrace = runEmulatorTraceIO emulatorTrace
We also need to add the runTrace function to the module export list:
module GuessingGame
where ...
Running the emulator
Finally, we can load the module and run the trace:
ghci> :l src/GuessingGame.hs
ghci GuessingGame> runTrace
Slot 00000: TxnValidate 43ba666cc8a22a04b63a3b605ce14146dfa5ed999986625ad90c1bc16dabdd84 []
Slot 00000: SlotAdd Slot 1
Slot 00001: W[7]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 1, BlockId 9e944371f5292bcd66e4e498bbc313b92ae884154f0eca1ddf75cd0ec69ddc47, BlockNumber 0). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00001: W[8]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 1, BlockId 9e944371f5292bcd66e4e498bbc313b92ae884154f0eca1ddf75cd0ec69ddc47, BlockNumber 0). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00001: W[6]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 1, BlockId 9e944371f5292bcd66e4e498bbc313b92ae884154f0eca1ddf75cd0ec69ddc47, BlockNumber 0). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00001: W[4]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 1, BlockId 9e944371f5292bcd66e4e498bbc313b92ae884154f0eca1ddf75cd0ec69ddc47, BlockNumber 0). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00001: W[2]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 1, BlockId 9e944371f5292bcd66e4e498bbc313b92ae884154f0eca1ddf75cd0ec69ddc47, BlockNumber 0). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00001: W[1]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 1, BlockId 9e944371f5292bcd66e4e498bbc313b92ae884154f0eca1ddf75cd0ec69ddc47, BlockNumber 0). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00001: W[10]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 1, BlockId 9e944371f5292bcd66e4e498bbc313b92ae884154f0eca1ddf75cd0ec69ddc47, BlockNumber 0). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00001: W[9]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 1, BlockId 9e944371f5292bcd66e4e498bbc313b92ae884154f0eca1ddf75cd0ec69ddc47, BlockNumber 0). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00001: W[3]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 1, BlockId 9e944371f5292bcd66e4e498bbc313b92ae884154f0eca1ddf75cd0ec69ddc47, BlockNumber 0). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00001: W[5]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 1, BlockId 9e944371f5292bcd66e4e498bbc313b92ae884154f0eca1ddf75cd0ec69ddc47, BlockNumber 0). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00001: 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000000 {Wallet W[1]}:
Contract instance started
Slot 00001: *** CONTRACT LOG: "Logging from inside the contract, contract time is: (POSIXTime {getPOSIXTime = 1596059092000},POSIXTime {getPOSIXTime = 1596059092999})"
Slot 00001: *** CONTRACT LOG: "First transaction: send funds to script and set a datum to be guessed"
Slot 00001: 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000000 {Wallet W[1]}:
Contract log: Object (fromList [("mkTxLogLookups",Object (fromList [("slOtherData",Array []),("slOtherScripts",Array []),("slOwnPaymentPubKeyHash",Null),("slOwnStakingCredential",Null),("slPaymentPubKeyHashes",Array []),("slTxOutputs",Array []),("slTypedValidator",Null)])),("mkTxLogResult",Object (fromList [("Right",Object (fromList [("tag",String "UnbalancedEmulatorTx"),("unBalancedEmulatorTx",Object (fromList [("txCertificates",Array []),("txCollateralInputs",Array []),("txData",Array [Array [String "923918e403bf43c34b4ef6b48eb2ee04babed17320d8d1b9ff9ad086e86f44ec",Object (fromList [("getDatum",String "d87980")])]]),("txFee",Object (fromList [("getValue",Array [])])),("txInputs",Array []),("txMetadata",Null),("txMint",Object (fromList [("getValue",Array [])])),("txMintingWitnesses",Array []),("txOutputs",Array [Object (fromList [("getTxOut",Object (fromList [("address",String "addr_test1wz3r0qhn7u38h7scq2k65vewg9fr6ztrnet904l3e4aft0chgqzep"),("datum",Object (fromList [("constructor",Number 0.0),("fields",Array [])])),("datumhash",String "923918e403bf43c34b4ef6b48eb2ee04babed17320d8d1b9ff9ad086e86f44ec"),("inlineDatum",Null),("referenceScript",Null),("value",Object (fromList [("lovelace",Number 2.5e7)]))]))])]),("txReferenceInputs",Array []),("txReturnCollateral",Null),("txScripts",Array []),("txSignatures",Array []),("txTotalCollateral",Null),("txValidRange",Object (fromList [("ivFrom",Array [Object (fromList [("tag",String "NegInf")]),Bool True]),("ivTo",Array [Object (fromList [("tag",String "PosInf")]),Bool True])])),("txWithdrawals",Array [])])),("unBalancedTxRequiredSignatories",Array []),("unBalancedTxUtxoIndex",Array [])]))])),("mkTxLogTxConstraints",Object (fromList [("txConstraintFuns",Array []),("txConstraints",Array [Object (fromList [("contents",Array [Object (fromList [("addressCredential",Object (fromList [("contents",String "a23782f3f7227bfa1802adaa332e41523d09639e5657d7f1cd7a95bf"),("tag",String "ScriptCredential")])),("addressStakingCredential",Null)]),Object (fromList [("contents",Object (fromList [("getDatum",String "d87980")])),("tag",String "TxOutDatumInTx")]),Null,Object (fromList [("getValue",Array [Array [Object (fromList [("unCurrencySymbol",String "")]),Array [Array [Object (fromList [("unTokenName",String "")]),Number 2.5e7]]]])])]),("tag",String "MustPayToAddress")])]),("txOwnInputs",Array []),("txOwnOutputs",Array [])]))])
Slot 00001: W[1]: TxSubmit: ac35b5e8f3649d55ae589a19e26a0413e6e8fd8911fcbf7371c4174fbb6c599c
Slot 00001: TxnValidate ac35b5e8f3649d55ae589a19e26a0413e6e8fd8911fcbf7371c4174fbb6c599c []
Slot 00001: SlotAdd Slot 2
Slot 00002: W[7]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 2, BlockId ce08edfdc283bf3735f357e13a7cabf68923867717483467cf38b87997732b3b, BlockNumber 1). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00002: W[8]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 2, BlockId ce08edfdc283bf3735f357e13a7cabf68923867717483467cf38b87997732b3b, BlockNumber 1). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00002: W[6]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 2, BlockId ce08edfdc283bf3735f357e13a7cabf68923867717483467cf38b87997732b3b, BlockNumber 1). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00002: W[4]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 2, BlockId ce08edfdc283bf3735f357e13a7cabf68923867717483467cf38b87997732b3b, BlockNumber 1). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00002: W[2]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 2, BlockId ce08edfdc283bf3735f357e13a7cabf68923867717483467cf38b87997732b3b, BlockNumber 1). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00002: W[1]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 2, BlockId ce08edfdc283bf3735f357e13a7cabf68923867717483467cf38b87997732b3b, BlockNumber 1). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00002: W[10]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 2, BlockId ce08edfdc283bf3735f357e13a7cabf68923867717483467cf38b87997732b3b, BlockNumber 1). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00002: W[9]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 2, BlockId ce08edfdc283bf3735f357e13a7cabf68923867717483467cf38b87997732b3b, BlockNumber 1). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00002: W[3]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 2, BlockId ce08edfdc283bf3735f357e13a7cabf68923867717483467cf38b87997732b3b, BlockNumber 1). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00002: W[5]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 2, BlockId ce08edfdc283bf3735f357e13a7cabf68923867717483467cf38b87997732b3b, BlockNumber 1). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00002: *** CONTRACT LOG: "tx1 successfully submitted"
Slot 00002: *** CONTRACT LOG: "Second transaction: spend script output with the right redeemer"
Slot 00002: *** CONTRACT LOG: "Oref: TxOutRef {txOutRefId = ac35b5e8f3649d55ae589a19e26a0413e6e8fd8911fcbf7371c4174fbb6c599c, txOutRefIdx = 0}, Lookups: ScriptLookups {slTxOutputs = fromList [(TxOutRef {txOutRefId = ac35b5e8f3649d55ae589a19e26a0413e6e8fd8911fcbf7371c4174fbb6c599c, txOutRefIdx = 0},ScriptDecoratedTxOut {_decoratedTxOutValidatorHash = a23782f3f7227bfa1802adaa332e41523d09639e5657d7f1cd7a95bf, _decoratedTxOutStakingCredential = Nothing, _decoratedTxOutValue = Value (Map [(,Map [(\"\",25000000)])]), _decoratedTxOutScriptDatum = (923918e403bf43c34b4ef6b48eb2ee04babed17320d8d1b9ff9ad086e86f44ec,DatumInBody (Datum {getDatum = Constr 0 []})), _decoratedTxOutReferenceScript = Nothing, _decoratedTxOutValidator = Nothing})], slOtherScripts = fromList [(a23782f3f7227bfa1802adaa332e41523d09639e5657d7f1cd7a95bf,Versioned {unversioned = <Script>, version = PlutusV2})], slOtherData = fromList [], slPaymentPubKeyHashes = fromList [], slTypedValidator = Nothing, slOwnPaymentPubKeyHash = Nothing, slOwnStakingCredential = Nothing}"
Slot 00002: 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000000 {Wallet W[1]}:
Contract log: Object (fromList [("mkTxLogLookups",Object (fromList [("slOtherData",Array []),("slOtherScripts",Array [Array [Object (fromList [("getScriptHash",String "a23782f3f7227bfa1802adaa332e41523d09639e5657d7f1cd7a95bf")]),Object (fromList [("unversioned",String "581a0100002225335333573466ebc00c008488008488004448004581"),("version",String "PlutusV2")])]]),("slOwnPaymentPubKeyHash",Null),("slOwnStakingCredential",Null),("slPaymentPubKeyHashes",Array []),("slTxOutputs",Array [Array [Object (fromList [("txOutRefId",Object (fromList [("getTxId",String "ac35b5e8f3649d55ae589a19e26a0413e6e8fd8911fcbf7371c4174fbb6c599c")])),("txOutRefIdx",Number 0.0)]),Object (fromList [("_decoratedTxOutReferenceScript",Null),("_decoratedTxOutScriptDatum",Array [String "923918e403bf43c34b4ef6b48eb2ee04babed17320d8d1b9ff9ad086e86f44ec",Object (fromList [("contents",Object (fromList [("getDatum",String "d87980")])),("tag",String "DatumInBody")])]),("_decoratedTxOutStakingCredential",Null),("_decoratedTxOutValidator",Null),("_decoratedTxOutValidatorHash",String "a23782f3f7227bfa1802adaa332e41523d09639e5657d7f1cd7a95bf"),("_decoratedTxOutValue",Object (fromList [("getValue",Array [Array [Object (fromList [("unCurrencySymbol",String "")]),Array [Array [Object (fromList [("unTokenName",String "")]),Number 2.5e7]]]])])),("tag",String "ScriptDecoratedTxOut")])]]),("slTypedValidator",Null)])),("mkTxLogResult",Object (fromList [("Right",Object (fromList [("tag",String "UnbalancedEmulatorTx"),("unBalancedEmulatorTx",Object (fromList [("txCertificates",Array []),("txCollateralInputs",Array []),("txData",Array [Array [String "923918e403bf43c34b4ef6b48eb2ee04babed17320d8d1b9ff9ad086e86f44ec",Object (fromList [("getDatum",String "d87980")])]]),("txFee",Object (fromList [("getValue",Array [])])),("txInputs",Array [Object (fromList [("txInputRef",Object (fromList [("txOutRefId",Object (fromList [("getTxId",String "ac35b5e8f3649d55ae589a19e26a0413e6e8fd8911fcbf7371c4174fbb6c599c")])),("txOutRefIdx",Number 0.0)])),("txInputType",Object (fromList [("contents",Array [Object (fromList [("getRedeemer",String "d87980")]),Object (fromList [("Left",String "a23782f3f7227bfa1802adaa332e41523d09639e5657d7f1cd7a95bf")]),String "923918e403bf43c34b4ef6b48eb2ee04babed17320d8d1b9ff9ad086e86f44ec"]),("tag",String "TxScriptAddress")]))])]),("txMetadata",Null),("txMint",Object (fromList [("getValue",Array [])])),("txMintingWitnesses",Array []),("txOutputs",Array []),("txReferenceInputs",Array []),("txReturnCollateral",Null),("txScripts",Array [Array [Object (fromList [("getScriptHash",String "a23782f3f7227bfa1802adaa332e41523d09639e5657d7f1cd7a95bf")]),Object (fromList [("unversioned",String "581a0100002225335333573466ebc00c008488008488004448004581"),("version",String "PlutusV2")])]]),("txSignatures",Array []),("txTotalCollateral",Null),("txValidRange",Object (fromList [("ivFrom",Array [Object (fromList [("tag",String "NegInf")]),Bool True]),("ivTo",Array [Object (fromList [("tag",String "PosInf")]),Bool True])])),("txWithdrawals",Array [])])),("unBalancedTxRequiredSignatories",Array []),("unBalancedTxUtxoIndex",Array [Array [Object (fromList [("txOutRefId",Object (fromList [("getTxId",String "ac35b5e8f3649d55ae589a19e26a0413e6e8fd8911fcbf7371c4174fbb6c599c")])),("txOutRefIdx",Number 0.0)]),Object (fromList [("getTxOut",Object (fromList [("address",String "addr_test1wz3r0qhn7u38h7scq2k65vewg9fr6ztrnet904l3e4aft0chgqzep"),("datum",Null),("datumhash",String "923918e403bf43c34b4ef6b48eb2ee04babed17320d8d1b9ff9ad086e86f44ec"),("inlineDatum",Null),("referenceScript",Null),("value",Object (fromList [("lovelace",Number 2.5e7)]))]))])]])]))])),("mkTxLogTxConstraints",Object (fromList [("txConstraintFuns",Array []),("txConstraints",Array [Object (fromList [("contents",Array [Object (fromList [("txOutRefId",Object (fromList [("getTxId",String "ac35b5e8f3649d55ae589a19e26a0413e6e8fd8911fcbf7371c4174fbb6c599c")])),("txOutRefIdx",Number 0.0)]),Object (fromList [("getRedeemer",String "d87980")]),Null]),("tag",String "MustSpendScriptOutput")]),Object (fromList [("contents",Object (fromList [("getDatum",String "d87980")])),("tag",String "MustIncludeDatumInTx")])]),("txOwnInputs",Array []),("txOwnOutputs",Array [])]))])
Slot 00002: W[1]: TxSubmit: 3287e0dc25c58ad1550995deb3f4931ff642fc6545ea66c9e0432c0fc78f8808
Slot 00002: *** CONTRACT LOG: "waiting for tx2 confirmed..."
Slot 00002: TxnValidate 3287e0dc25c58ad1550995deb3f4931ff642fc6545ea66c9e0432c0fc78f8808 []
Slot 00002: SlotAdd Slot 3
Slot 00003: W[7]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 3, BlockId 64c51d0cd6ce8034738a548b1271c8285fe310d851054e2f68bf9057fa44ec36, BlockNumber 2). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00003: W[8]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 3, BlockId 64c51d0cd6ce8034738a548b1271c8285fe310d851054e2f68bf9057fa44ec36, BlockNumber 2). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00003: W[6]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 3, BlockId 64c51d0cd6ce8034738a548b1271c8285fe310d851054e2f68bf9057fa44ec36, BlockNumber 2). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00003: W[4]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 3, BlockId 64c51d0cd6ce8034738a548b1271c8285fe310d851054e2f68bf9057fa44ec36, BlockNumber 2). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00003: W[2]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 3, BlockId 64c51d0cd6ce8034738a548b1271c8285fe310d851054e2f68bf9057fa44ec36, BlockNumber 2). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00003: W[1]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 3, BlockId 64c51d0cd6ce8034738a548b1271c8285fe310d851054e2f68bf9057fa44ec36, BlockNumber 2). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00003: W[10]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 3, BlockId 64c51d0cd6ce8034738a548b1271c8285fe310d851054e2f68bf9057fa44ec36, BlockNumber 2). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00003: W[9]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 3, BlockId 64c51d0cd6ce8034738a548b1271c8285fe310d851054e2f68bf9057fa44ec36, BlockNumber 2). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00003: W[3]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 3, BlockId 64c51d0cd6ce8034738a548b1271c8285fe310d851054e2f68bf9057fa44ec36, BlockNumber 2). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00003: W[5]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 3, BlockId 64c51d0cd6ce8034738a548b1271c8285fe310d851054e2f68bf9057fa44ec36, BlockNumber 2). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00003: *** CONTRACT LOG: "tx2 successfully submitted"
Slot 00003: 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000000 {Wallet W[1]}:
Contract instance stopped (no errors)
Slot 00003: SlotAdd Slot 4
Slot 00004: W[7]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 4, BlockId 76be8b528d0075f7aae98d6fa57a6d3c83ae480a8469e668d7b0af968995ac71, BlockNumber 3). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00004: W[8]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 4, BlockId 76be8b528d0075f7aae98d6fa57a6d3c83ae480a8469e668d7b0af968995ac71, BlockNumber 3). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00004: W[6]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 4, BlockId 76be8b528d0075f7aae98d6fa57a6d3c83ae480a8469e668d7b0af968995ac71, BlockNumber 3). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00004: W[4]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 4, BlockId 76be8b528d0075f7aae98d6fa57a6d3c83ae480a8469e668d7b0af968995ac71, BlockNumber 3). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00004: W[2]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 4, BlockId 76be8b528d0075f7aae98d6fa57a6d3c83ae480a8469e668d7b0af968995ac71, BlockNumber 3). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00004: W[1]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 4, BlockId 76be8b528d0075f7aae98d6fa57a6d3c83ae480a8469e668d7b0af968995ac71, BlockNumber 3). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00004: W[10]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 4, BlockId 76be8b528d0075f7aae98d6fa57a6d3c83ae480a8469e668d7b0af968995ac71, BlockNumber 3). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00004: W[9]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 4, BlockId 76be8b528d0075f7aae98d6fa57a6d3c83ae480a8469e668d7b0af968995ac71, BlockNumber 3). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00004: W[3]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 4, BlockId 76be8b528d0075f7aae98d6fa57a6d3c83ae480a8469e668d7b0af968995ac71, BlockNumber 3). UTxO state was added to the end.
Slot 00004: W[5]: InsertionSuccess: New tip is Tip(Slot 4, BlockId 76be8b528d0075f7aae98d6fa57a6d3c83ae480a8469e668d7b0af968995ac71, BlockNumber 3). UTxO state was added to the end.
Final balances
Wallet 7:
{, ""}: 100000000
Wallet 8:
{, ""}: 100000000
Wallet 6:
{, ""}: 100000000
Wallet 4:
{, ""}: 100000000
Wallet 2:
{, ""}: 100000000
Wallet 1:
{, ""}: 99647071
Wallet 10:
{, ""}: 100000000
Wallet 9:
{, ""}: 100000000
Wallet 3:
{, ""}: 100000000
Wallet 5:
{, ""}: 100000000
Besides seeing that the script output was successfully spent in the second transaction, we can see that our lookups contain information about the output ref and the script itself, which the emulator needs as basic information about where to find the required data for this transaction. After prettifying the output log a bit, it looks like this: