
In this section, we will look at validator scripts as they relate to staking on Cardano. The scripts we looked at so far were only related to the payment part of addresses, i.e. used for the Spending part of ScriptPurpose. We will now look at StakeValidators which correspond to Certifying and Rewarding script purposes.

The Rewarding script purpose is related to validating reward withdrawals, i.e. whether a transaction is allowed to withdraw rewards from the script stake address.

The Certifying script purpose is related to validating certificates present in the transaction which control the registration and delegation of the script stake address, i.e. validating whether the transaction can register/de-register the given script stake address and whether it can delegate its funds to the specified stake pool.

Cardano address structure

A Cardano base address (Shelley-based) is composed of two parts, the payment part (which controls spending associated UTxOs) and the optional staking part (which controls delegation-related actions). These two parts have separate keys (payment and stake keys), that are used to sign transactions to prove that they are valid. For example, if we want to register and delegate a stake address to a pool, we must submit a transaction that is signed by the address's stake key to validate it.

Now, with Plutus, the Shelley-based model of addresses remains the same, but we are no longer limited to controlling address validation with just the usual key pairs. Instead, we can create addresses that are composed of two scripts, the payment script (which are scripts that we have been writing so far), and the stake script (which is what we will be writing shortly). This way, we can have arbitrary logic of scripts take over both the payment and the stake part of addresses. We can also make all other possible permutations to build addresses. For example, we can use a payment script and a staking key to create an address that uses script logic to spend its UTxO, but the staking actions of the address are controlled by a staking key. Or we could make an address that uses a payment key and a stake validator. Beautiful.

To confirm this, check the cardano-cli address build --help command:

cardano-cli address build --help

    Build a Shelley payment address, with optional delegation to a stake address.

Available options:
  --payment-verification-key STRING
                           Payment verification key (Bech32-encoded)
  --payment-verification-key-file FILE
                           Filepath of the payment verification key.
  --payment-script-file FILE
                           Filepath of the payment script.
  --stake-verification-key STRING
                           Stake verification key (Bech32 or hex-encoded).
  --stake-verification-key-file FILE
                           Filepath of the staking verification key.
  --stake-script-file FILE Filepath of the staking script.
  --stake-address ADDRESS  Target stake address (bech32 format).
  --mainnet                Use the mainnet magic id. This overrides the
                           CARDANO_NODE_NETWORK_ID environment variable
  --testnet-magic NATURAL  Specify a testnet magic id. This overrides the
                           CARDANO_NODE_NETWORK_ID environment variable
  --out-file FILE          Optional output file. Default is to write to stdout.
  -h,--help                Show this help text

It gives the option to provide either the keys or a script file for both payment and stake parts (--payment-script-file / --stake-script-file).

The StakeValidator type

StakeValidator has a slightly different type signature than the regular validators because it does not accept datum as the first argument. That makes sense since the datum sits at the UTxO, and we are not dealing with spending UTxO here, only with validating staking actions. Therefore, it only receives the redeemer and context to return a boolean value:

type UntypedStakeValidator = BuiltinData -> BuiltinData -> ()

So when writing our mkStakingValidator function, we would use that type signature. Principles of typed and parameterised validators still apply here so we can write a function in this way: mkStakingValidator :: MyParam -> MyRedeemer -> ScriptContext -> Bool

Going back to the Certifying and Rewarding script purposes, we can see that they are constructed as Rewarding StakingCredential and Certifying DCert:

data ScriptPurpose
    = Minting CurrencySymbol
    | Spending TxOutRef
    | Rewarding StakingCredential
    | Certifying DCert

If we dive into the Rewarding StakingCredential, we will find the StakingHash constructor with the generic Credential type (the other is a pointer address, which we will not go into here, but here is a reference for those interested: https://docs.cardano.org/learn/cardano-addresses):

data StakingCredential
    = StakingHash Credential
    | StakingPtr Integer Integer Integer

The Credential type is either a PubKeyHash or a ValidatorHash depending on whether it's a normal or script address:

data Credential
  = PubKeyCredential PubKeyHash
  | ScriptCredential ValidatorHash

For Certifying DCert, we dive into DCert definition:

data DCert
  = DCertDelegRegKey StakingCredential
  | DCertDelegDeRegKey StakingCredential
  | DCertDelegDelegate
      -- ^ delegator
      -- ^ delegatee
  | -- | A digest of the PoolParams
      -- ^ poolId
      -- ^ pool VFR
  | -- | The retiremant certificate and the Epoch N
    DCertPoolRetire PubKeyHash Integer -- NB: Should be Word64 but we only have Integer on-chain
  | -- | A really terse Digest
  | -- | Another really terse Digest

This is the full definition of DCert and it contains fields not really related to delegation per se (DCertGenesis and DCertMir). We can also see certificates related to pool registration/de-registration which we are not interested in from the POV of StakeValidator (DCertPoolRetire and DCertPoolRegister). This leaves just the ones related to the delegation from the delegator's POV, which is the StakeValidator POV:

data DCert
  = DCertDelegRegKey StakingCredential
  | DCertDelegDeRegKey StakingCredential
  | DCertDelegDelegate
      -- ^ delegator
      -- ^ delegatee

DCertDelegRegKey StakingCredential is the certificate for registering a stake address. In our case, a script stake address where StakingCredential will correspond to our script's credential, i.e. the validator hash.

DCertDelegDeRegKey StakingCredential is the certificate for de-registering a stake address.

DCertDelegDelegate StakingCredential PubKeyHash is the certificate for delegating the StakingCredential to the pool with the specified PubKeyHash.

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